What is a food intolerance?

A food intolerance is a genetically inherited enzyme deficiency, passed on for generations.

Every person has at least one primary intolerance and one combination of food group contributing to illness and toxemia (the build up of inefficiently digested food metabolites, toxins and byproduct) within the body. Consuming your intolerance could be leading to a list of ailments, but easily reversed by its avoidance. This intolerance does not change over your lifetime, so as far as the evaluation goes, it is a “one and done”.

What’s the difference?

  • What is it?

    • A food intolerance is a genetically inherited enzyme deficiency passed on for generations. When your intolerance is consumed, it causes GI irritation, systemic inflammation, malabsorption of nutrients, and accumulation of metabolic toxins in the body.


    • Singular or few food group(s) to avoid

    • Easy to apply

    • Root cause identified helping customize diet

    • “One and Done” - Lifelong results that only need to be evaluated once


    • Learning a food doesn’t agree with your physiology can bring about some grieving — But don’t worry, we’re here to support you every step of the way! And your body will thank you!

  • What is it?

    • A food sensitivity is an immune-mediated response by your body to a particular food in its best effort to monitor potentially inflammatory causing foods. It does so by producing IgG antibodies to foods you may be sensitive to


    • Highlights an exhaustive list of foods in your current diet that your body may be reacting to


    • Many times, this long list of “sensitivities” are simply foods that the body has seen too frequently during a period of inflammation (i.e., high-stress, leaky gut-barrier, dysbiosis, etc.)

    • Near-impossible to form nutritious meals with such a long list of sensitivities to avoid

    • Doesn’t identify the root cause - what food(s) your body lacks the enzymatic machinery to digest

    • Have to repeat testing regularly to monitor and track

    • Learning a food doesn’t agree with your physiology can bring about some grieving

Reclaim control over your health 


Chronic fatigue

Mental Fog

Depression & Anxiety

Seasonal Allergies

Chronic Pain & Stiffness

Infant Colic


Digestion / Nutrient Absorption

Skin Quality

Athletic Performance


Detoxification Pathways


The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”

- Thomas Edison