Expansion Series

Why the expansion you ask?

You are likely consuming it all the time!

While everyone will have a core intolerance, secondary intolerances are much less common (#grateful!). This said, if found, it’s likely to be prevalent in your daily diet and reducing its impact on your health can be life-changing.

We evaluate the most commonly consumed foods, beverages, nuts, legumes, spices, and medicinal herbs. You can order in our Comprehensive Series if you’ve not yet determined your core intolerance or add it later down the road on its own should you find that you have a pesky condition that has not been eliminated after avoiding & flushing your core intolerance out for 4 weeks.



Evaluate a broader set of foods (50+) we consume daily that you suspect may be causing you discomfort!

    • 14 of the most commonly consumed foods and beverages

    • 14 Nuts and Legumes

    • 12 Spices

    • 7 Medicinal Herbs

    Find the complete list below!

  • Our Kit

    • Pre-paid shipping both ways

    • All materials for sample collection and shipping back to our evaluation facility

    Access to our Membership Result Portal including:

    • Digital and printable results, avoid & substitution lists

    • Detailed directions and an instructional video to guide you

    • Meal substitution guide

    • Curated Pinterest recipes

    • Approved product database

  • Finger prick sample collection

    1. Start with Core Series (Required)

    Want both Core & Expansion Series? Check out our Comprehensive Series

    *While every person will have at least one primary, one combination, and one cell salt discovered in our Core Series, it is not guaranteed that you will have a secondary intolerance from the expansion series. This is a good thing! Less to avoid… Comprehensive Series

Most Consumed Foods

Coffee (Rubiaceae)

Citrus (Rutaceae)

Cocoa (Malvaceae)

Corn (Grimaceae)

Cactus, Agave, & Tequila (Cactaceae)

Celery (Apiaceae)

Buckwheat & Rhubarb (Polygonaceae)

Garlic & Onion (Allium)

Broccoli & Brussels (Brassica)

Sweet & Bell Pepper (Solanaceae)

Mushroom (Agaricaceae)

Palm (Arecacea)

Sesame (Pedaliaceae)

Vine (Cucurbitaceae)

Expansion Series

Nuts & Legumes

Walnuts (Juglandaceae)

Pecans (Fabaceae)*

Hazelnuts (Betulaceae)

Almonds (Rosaceae)

Cashews & Pistachios (Anacardiaceae)

Macademias (Proteas)

Pine (Pinaceae)

Brazil (Lecythidaceae)

Peanuts (Fabaceae)*

Lentils (Fabaceae)*

Garbanzo (Fabaceae)*

Cannellini (Fabaceae)*

Black (Fabaceae)*

Pinto (Fabaceae)*


Rosemary (Lamiaceae)

Mint (Lamiaceae)

Mustard (Brassicaceae)

Dill / Coriander (Apiaceae)

Cilantro (Apiaceae)

Oregano (Lamiaceae)

Ginger (Zingiberaceae)

Turmeric (Zingiberaceae)

Cayenne (Solonaceae)

Thyme (Lamiaceae)

Parsley (Apiaceae)

Sage (Lamiaceae)

Medicinal Herbs

Turmeric (Zingiberaceae)

Valerian (Caprifoliaceae)

Ginseng (Araliaceae)

Pine Needles (Pinaceae)

Rose (Rosaceae)

Alfalfa (Fabaceae)

Lavender (Lamiaceae)